Weed Control & Fertilizer Packages
Early Bird Sale - 10% Off
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Free Bag Soil Booster - Lush/Prem
- 4 Treatments
(2 visits) - Weed Control
- Fertilizer
- E-Mail & TEXT reminders
Beautiful Lawn
- 4 Visits
8 Treatments
May, June, July, Aug - 4 Fertilizer Treatments
- 4 Weed Control Treatments
- 4 Sea Kelp/ Super Juice Treatments
- Lawn Analysis
- E-Mail, Text reminders
- Unlimited Weed Control
Lush Lawn
- 4 Visits
10 Treatments
May, June, July, Aug - 4 Fertilizer Treatments
- 4 Weed Control Treatments
- 4 Sea Kelp/ Super Juice treatments
- Liquid Aeration
- Soil Booster
- Lawn Analysis
- E-mail, Text Reminders
- Unlimited Weed Control
- Free Bag Soil Booster
Premium Lawn
- 4 Visits
12 Treatments
May, June, July, Aug,Sept - 5 Fertilizer Treatments
- 4 Weed Control Treatments
- 4 Sea Kelp/ SuperJuice Treatments
- Over-Seeding
- Liquid Aeration
- Soil Bosoter
- Lawn Analysis
- E-mail, Text Reminders
- Unlimited Weed Control
- Free Bag Soil Booster
Our Booster will provide your lawn a healthy shot of nutrient rich fertilizer and weed control that will last up to 2 months. The booster is designed to give you a jump start on your weeds. 2 Visit package This does not come with the all season warranty.
- Season Long Fertilizer
- Liquid Weed control
Our multi application program of seasonally blended fertilizer and weed control provides you all the essential nutrients to kick off and maintain a healthy green lawn.
- Season Long Fertilizer
- Unlimited Weed Control
- Super Juice - Weed Control Enhancer
Our Lush enhanced package provides you all the essential nutrients plus Aeration and Soil Booster for a healthy and thriving lawn. Aeration will enhance growth and reduce compaction and improve water uptake. Improved water uptakes saves water and provides a healthier lawn. Custom Soil Booster will increase the thickness of your lawn making it greener and more resistant to hot summer days.
- Everything from Beautiful
- Liquid Aeration
- Custom Premium Soil Booster
Our Premium package provides you all the essential nutrients plus Aeration, Custom Over-Seeding and our Soil Booster that will take the health and beauty of your lawn to the next level. Our Soil Booster - (Organic Granular compost) helps your lawn in almost every way throughout the summer months. If improves the quality of your soil so grass and plants will grow faster, stronger, and healthier. It delivers a bountiful supply of soil microbes that work to continuously feed nutrients into your lawn all season long. Is an excellent source of over 70 minerals and nutrients and is 100% natural, odor free and safe for children and pets!
- Everything from Lush
- Custom Overseeding
- **Trade your Fall Fertilizer for another Weed control in June or July, let us know at booking in notes. Very popular.